8th School Selection Session of EYP Azerbaijan 21 Feb 2023

8th School Selection Session of EYP Azerbaijan

It is our outmost pleasure to present the logo of the 8th School Selection Session of EYP Azerbaijan! ?

The motto of this session is “Self-realization through education”.

Being able to learn is one thing that sets humans apart from other living things. This entails the gradual improvement of one’s traits and unique circumstances. With that being said, the theme of the session is connected with education, as it is one of the factors of life that helps you comprehend the wider world.

The premise behind the logo is that a dragonfly symbolizes self-realization, mental and emotional maturity and understanding the deeper meaning of life, which relates to the session’s theme. As for the colors, the logo is a combination of green, which symbolizes concentration, fresh starts, and growth, and blue, which stands for tranquility, productivity, and well-being, creating beautiful shades of teal.

Logo credits: Nurshan Tahmazova